Create a New Project and Activate Banking

This guide aims to show you the process of creating a project account for your partner, accessing their bank details, and enabling accounting codes.


Creating a new project account in Mazlo is simple way to empower project teams to manage and track their transactions. By creating a project profile, you can keep your accounting records organized, invite key team members, and activate banking functionalities unique to each project.

Create a New Project with Banking Details

Step 1: Open your Projects from the Navigation Menu

Step 2: Click Create Project Profile

From here, you can see the list of all projects in the account. Then, click create project profile.

Step 3: Enter the Project's Information

Enter the Project's Name

Input a unique project ID to match accounting records

Choose the project type: A, B, C, C+, Other

Step 4: (Optional) Upload a Logo for the Project

Click to Upload a 512x512 sized logo.

Crop it, if needed. Click Crop.

Click Next.

Step 5: (Optional) Invite the Project's Director

Enter their first and last name, and email to send them an invitation to join this account on Mazlo.

Or you can skip this step and invite them later.

Step 6: (Optional) Activate Banking for the Project Account

Activate the bank account by clicking Enable Now. This step can also be skipped and completed later but banking functionalities are not available for the Project until this is complete.

Step 7: Open the New Project Profile by Clicking on the Project's Name

Step 8: Access the Project's Unique Banking Details

From the Project's profile, you can access this project account's unique bank account number. Click the number to copy it to your clipboard.

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