Require Payment Requests to Include an Attachment or Accounting Code
Update your configuration settings to ensure that all payment requests submitted for review in Mazlo meet your organization’s documentation standards.
Last updated
Update your configuration settings to ensure that all payment requests submitted for review in Mazlo meet your organization’s documentation standards.
Last updated
Configure your account settings to require that payment requests from projects include an accounting code or an attachment in order to be submitted. This ensures that each payment request has all the necessary information before it's submitted for approval.
First, click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner.
In the settings menu, select Configuration.
Toggle on "Require Payment Request Attachment."
This will make it mandatory for payment requests to include an attachment.
You can customize this setting by selecting one of the following:
Require an Attachment for All Line Items: Every line item within a payment request must have an attachment.
Require an Attachment for at Least One Line Item: Only one line item in the payment request is required to have an attachment.
Toggle on "Require Payment Request Accounting Code."
This will make it mandatory for payment requests to include an accounting code.
You can customize this setting with these options:
Require an Accounting Code for All Line Items: Every line item within a payment request must include an accounting code.
Require an Accounting Code for at Least One Line Item: Only one line item in the payment request is required to have an accounting code.
Now your project teams will see a notice on their payment requests when an attachment or accounting code is required.
Please contact our team if you have any questions: